Brimeura amethystina – Hyancinthus amethystinus

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Brimeura –

There are about 2 species of bulbous perennials, in this genus. They occur in meadows, maquis and garigue in Southeastern Europe. They are grown for their slender stalked racemes of pendulous bell shaped flowers, come in a range of purple,, blue, pink shades, and white, which are borne in spring. Leaves are basal, linear to strap shaped. Grow in a rock garden, beneath shrubs.

Plant bulbs in fall, 2″ deep in fertile, humus rich, well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Divide in summer.

B. amethystina – Hyancinthus amethystinus – This bulbous perennial grows 4-10″ tall. It produces linear to strap shaped, channeled, bright green leaves, 4-12″ long. In spring it bears loose, slender racemes of up to 8, delicate tubular-bell shaped, pale to dark blue flowers, ½” long.

Zones 5-9