Catopsis –
There are about 20 species of evergreen, epiphytic perennial (bromeliads), in this genus. They occur from low land and rainforest. They occur up to altitudes of 6,500′ feet in South North America, Central America, South America, the West Indies. The prominently sheathed leaves form funnel shaped rosettes and are lance shaped, smooth edged, and often with a coating of white powdery scales. In summer, it bears erect, arching or pendent panicles of small, white or pale yellow flowers. Both male and female plants are needed to obtain fruit.
Indoors, grow epiphytically on bark or wood slabs, or in epiphytic bromeliad potting mix in bright filtered light. In summer, water moderately, mist frequently, apply a quarter strength foliar fertilizer monthly and provide high humidity. Water sparingly at all other times.
Prone to mealybugs and scale insects.
C. hahnii – This epiphytic bromeliad from Southern Mexico and Central America grows 20-24″ tall and 8″ wide. It produces dense rosettes of 12 or more white-mealy white scaly leaves, to 14″ long, tapering to fine points. In summer it bears erect or arching panicles, 4-10″ long, with yellow bracts and white flowers, to 3/8″ long.
Zones 12-15