Nierembergia caerulea ‘Mont Blanc’ – Nierembergia hippomanica – Cup Flower

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Nierembergia – Cup Flower –

There are about 23 species of annuals, perennials, and shrubs in this genus. They occur in moist sunny habitats in temperate South America. From slender, spreading to upright stems it carries alternate, smooth edged leaves, and colorful, open cup or bell shaped, sometimes tubular flowers in summer. Most perennial species are frost tender, but are easily propagated and are often grown as annuals, use as bedding, as border edging, or in containers under glass for early spring flowers. In warm areas, grow in open sites among shrubs. Grow N. repens in a rock garden or in paving crevices, it may become invasive.

Outdoors, grow in a sheltered site in well composted, moist, but well drained soil in full sun. Under glass, grow in soil based potting mix in full light. During growth, water moderately and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. Water sparingly in winter. Trim lightly after flowering.

Prone to aphids, whiteflies, slugs and snails, and tobacco mosaic virus.

N. caerulea ‘Mont Blanc’ – N. hippomanica – This upright, branching, downy stemmed perennial grows 6-8″ tall and wide and is usually grown as an annual. It produces narrowly spoon shaped, slightly hairy, pointed, leaves, to 3/8″ long. Over long periods in summer it bears cup shaped, white flowers, to 3/4″ across.

Zones 7-11