
We offer fast and affordable mulch delivery and installation. There is no better way to get your garden beds mulched. Improve the look of your property, and the health of your plants without the stress and hard work of hauling and installing.

What is mulch?

Mulch is shredded or chipped organic material added to garden beds to prevent weed growth and improve appearance. Other than the decorative reason of adding color to beds, mulch is great for the overall health of the plants. The mulch acts as a barrier from strong, drying winds and harsh sunlight from drying out the soil. The mulch also retains the water for the plants. Mulch deteriorates and feed the plants and suppress weed growth. Mulch also insulates plants’ root systems from the hardships of winter. 

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Should I add mulch to my beds?

Unless you plan on crawling on your hands and knees for endless hours pulling weeds from your garden beds, you will most definitely want to have mulch installed. With the wide variety of colors and textures available, mulch can be customized to match your house or landscape as well for a truly stunning aesthetic.

How often should I have mulch installed?

You should have your mulch checked and reinstalled every year. Wind, rain, and other elements can cause the mulch to breakdown or blow away. If the mulch doesn’t;t maintain the proper thickness weeds can penetrate the soil and take hold. Always make sure to have a professional check the level of mulch after winter.

Is having my mulch installed expensive?

Mulch comes in a wide variety of colors, textures, and quality. Prices on these can vary, but installation is always very affordable and will save you time and a sore back. Contact us today to get an estimate and find out how we can help you protect and beautify your landscape on your budget.

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