Lolium perenne – Perennial ryegrass – Ryegrass –

Lolium – Ryegrass –
There are about 10 species of hermaphroditic, annual and perennial ryegrass in this genus. They occur in Eurasia. They have narrow, flat leaves. They bears inconspicuous yellow flowers which are hidden by the foliage which shed abundant pollen in late spring to early summer, a prime cause of hay fever. The cool to warn season annuals and perennial are grown for lawn cover as well as for playing fields. If allowed to grow, some species can be used for pastures, hay, and for erosion control.
Grow in moderately fertile, well drained, rich soil in full sun.
Prone to red thread and brown patch.

L. perenne – Perennial ryegrass – This quick sprouting, cool season grass, grows in heavy, moist soils. Bear a fine textured lawn with high wear tolerance, and is grown mainly for playing fields and home lawns. It is a very coarse grass needing frequent mowing, and best for rough areas rather than for fine lawn.
Zones 3-6