Zoysia japonica – Korean Lawngrass – Japanese Lawngrass
Z. japonica – Korean Lawngrass – Japanese Lawngrass – Is the most cold tolerant of the Zoysiagrasses, the coarsest in textured, and is the only one that can be seeded. Very drought tolerant.
Zones 6-11
Zoysia – Zoysiagrass –
There are 8 species of perennial grasses within this genus. They naturally occur in East and Southeast Asia, Polynesia, Australia and New Zealand. They are both stolons and rhizomes. They are green from spring through autumn, they turn brown after first frost. Stiff due to a high silica content, they range from fine to coarse textured, have deep root systems and some are drought resistant.
Mow at ½-1”. Needs occasional water and fertilizer, thin out every 2-3 years.
Prone to nematodes.