Sagittaria subulata – Arrowhead – Wapato – Duck Potato –


Sagittaria – Arrowhead – Wapato – Duck Potato –
There are 20 marginal and submerged, herbaceous aquatic perennials and annuals, in the Alismataceae family, in this genus. They naturally occur on muddy banks, or in shallow water in temperate and tropical Europe, Asia, North , Central and South America. They produce decorative aerial leaves, that are either floating or submerged, and linear to oval, but a few are arrow shape, and 10-12″ long. Panicles or racemes of whorled, 3 petaled, saucer shaped ½-2″ wide, purple spotted white flowers are borne in summer. Most are excellent for the margins of a wildlife pool, where the tuberous rootstocks may spread, (including S. latifolia and S. sagittifolia) produce walnut sized tubers that attract waterfowl. Grow Ss. Subulata in an aquarium for its attractive submerged leaves. Where not hardy, grow in a pool in a cool or temperate greenhouse.
Outdoors, grow at the margins of a pool, in water no deeper than 9-12″, in full sun. Trim back spreading growth in late summer, and remove faded flowers to prevent seeding. In an aquarium, grow in groups of 4 or 5 in gravelly soil, in bright indirect light, with a minium temperate of 61 degrees Fahrenheit. Under glass, grow in containers at the margins of an indoor pool in bright filtered light, with water temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Prone to leaf spots, leaf smut, spider mites and aphids.

S. subulata – This stoloniferous aquatic perennial can grow to 24″ tall with an indefinite spread. It produces variably, usually linear, frequently bent or crooked submerged leaves, to 3′ feet long (depending on the depth of the water), with long sharp pointed or rounded tips. In shallow water, produces elliptic floating leaves 2″ long. White flowers, up to 3/4″ across, are borne in floating whorls of 1-3, in summer.
Zones 5-11