Kalmiopsis leachiana –

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Kalmiopsis –

There is a sole species of an evergreen shrub that makes up this genus.  It occurs in Oregon, where it grows on rocky ledges on mountain cliffs.  It has simple elliptical leaves carried alternately.  It is grown for its terminal racemes of small, cup shaped, 5 petalled, ½” wide flowers with prominent stamens.  Suitable for a cool position in a woodland garden.

Grow in moist but well drained, lime free, humus rich, acidic soil, in full sun (provided that the soil remains cool and moist) or partial shade where is less moisture retentive.

K. leachiana – This dwarf evergreen shrub from Oregon grows 12” tall and wide.  It produces oval to obovate, bright deep green leaves, to 1 ¼” long, that are glandular beneath.  From early to late spring it bears cup shaped, rose-red to purple-pink flowers, to ¾” across, are carried in terminal racemes, 1-2” long.

Zones 7-9