Abies homolepis – Abies brachyphylla – Manchurian Fir – Nikko Fir

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Abies- Fir

This mid to large evergreen shrubs and trees, makes them ideal for shurburn areas.  They prefer cool-cold climates such as Europe, North Africa, Asia and North America mountainous areas where they escape urban pollution and extreme temperatures although some varies expand into the tropics.  These fir’s has long narrow, needles that are distributed equally horizontal and laterally along the twig. Color differs mid to dark green often with grayish white bands underneath. Female cones grow erect on upper branches, which ripen over a year then release seeds.

They prefer sun moist soil or soil with good moisture retention but with good drainage, neutral to alkaline soil.  The only pruning needed to be done is to remove dead twigs to insure good circulation.

Prone to adelgids, bark beetles, bagworms and spruce budworms.  A wide variety of fungi cause needle blights and root rots.  Rust diseases are common.

A. homolepis – Abies brachyphylla – Manchurian Fir – Nikko Fir  –Form southern and central Japan but is found in Europe and North America and is more tolerable to urban pollution then others  species.  It can grow 90’ or more feet tall and 25 feet wide in cylindrical shape.  It has dark green needles with a broad blue-white band on the underneath with blunt tips and 1 ½ inch long.  The cones are purplish.  The shrub sized cultivars ‘Prostrata’lacks leading shoots and is propagated by cuttings

Zones 5-9