Arum dioscoridis – Lords and Ladies

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Arum – Lords and Ladies

There are some 26 species of spring flowering tuberous perennials, in this genus.  They are found in Southern Europe, the Mediterranean region, Northern Africa, and Western Asia to the Western Himalayas.  Grown for their spear, arrow or heart shaped leaves, often variegated with paler green along the veins.  It produces large spathes encloses thin spadices of tiny flowers either sweetly or unpleasantly scented which are followed by spikes of red or orange berries.  All parts may cause discomfort if ingested and contact with sap may irritate skin.  The leaves are commonly used in floral arrangements.

When grown indoors grow in coarse soil less potting mix with additional grit, in full or filtered light.  During the growing season water freely and apply a balance liquid fertilizer monthly, reduce water as the leaves wither and keep dry when dormant.

When grown outdoors grow in well drained, humus rich soil in a sheltered site in sun or partial shade.  Divide after flowering.

Arum dioscoridis – This variable tuberous perennial from the Eastern Mediterranean, grow 8-12” tall.  It produces narrow arrow to spear shaped leaves 11-18” long that are dark green.  In spring it bears large deep purple or pale green spathes 6-14” long they are spotted dark maroon-purple and have a unpleasant smell.  Requires full sun.

Zones 7-9