Calendula arvensis – Field Marigold – Marigold –

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Calendula – Marigold –

There are about 30 species of bushy, fast growing annuals and woody based, evergreen perennials, in this genus. They occur in arable land, waste land, and rocky habitats from Southern Europe to Northern Africa, Canary Islands and Mediterranean. Leaves are alternate, simple, and somewhat aromatic. Daisy like flowers, with orange or yellow petals and yellow, orange, violet, purple, or brown centers, are borne over a long period, and throughout autumn into mild winters. Many of the cultivars are excellent annuals for an informal border, the flowers last well when cut.

Grow in well drained moderately fertile soil in sun or partial shade. Deadhead to prolong flowering.

Prone to white smut, rust, gray mold, cucumber mosaic virus, aster yellows, powdery mildew, fungal leaf spots, aphids, whiteflies, snails and slugs.

C. arvensis – Field Marigold – This sprawling annual is a common wildflower in the Mediterranean countries, where it grows among the long grass of field and displays its golden flowers from spring to fall and on into winter if the weather is mild. The name Calendula comes from the same root as calendar. It is rarely cultivated but, transplanted to gardens it can make a bright show.

Zones 6-10