Chrysosplenium davidianum – Golden Saxifrage –


Chrysosplenium – Golden Saxifrage

There are about 55 species of creeping annuals and perennials, in this genus. They occur in Europe, Asia, and North America, often found in moist woodland and close to streams. They produce rounded or kidney shaped, toothed, light to dark green leaves, and flat, terminal cymes of shallowly cup shaped flowers above leafy bracts. They are useful as a groundcover in a shady border, bog garden, or woodland garden.

Grow in moist, poor to moderately fertile, humus rich soil in shady site. Divide in spring.

Prone to slugs and snails.

C. davidianum – This rhizomatous, mat forming perennial from Western China grows 3″ tall and at least 10″ wide. It produces erect, red hairy stems that carry broadly ovate-oblong leaves, 3/4-1 1/4″ long, with scalloped edges, are mid to dark green, densely white hairy beneath, less so above. In late spring and early summer it bears greenish yellow flowers in cymes, 1 1/4-2″ across, above pale green, leaf like bracts.

Zones 6-8