Clematis nom. ‘Montana Mayleen’


C. montana – Anemone Clematis – This early flowering clematis from Western and Central China is very vigorous growing 15-45′ feet tall and 6-10′ feet wide. It bears, sweetly perfumed, white to pale pink flowers, 2″ across, with creamy yellow anthers, either solitary or in short cymes, are borne very freely for about 4 weeks during late spring and early summer.

produces bronze tinted leaves and bears large pink flowers, to 3″ across,
with gold tepals

Grow in fertile, humus rich, well drained soil in sun or partial shade, with the roots and base of the plant in shade.Herbaceous species prefer full sun. Mulch all clematis in late winter with compost or well rotted manure, avoiding the crown.Plant climbing clematis with the top of the root ball about 3″ below the soil surface, to reduce risk of clematis wilt and encourage production of strong shoots from below soil level. After planting, cut back top growth of deciduous climbers to a strong pair of buds about 12″ above soil level, Provide strong support and tie in initially until plants begin to climb by themselves. Support herbaceous species and cultivars with twiggy brushwood.

zones 6-9