Crepis incana – Hawk’s Beard –

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Crepis – Hawk’s Beard –

There are about 200 species of annuals and perennials, in this genus. They occur in dry grassland, on stony slopes, and among mountain screes and rocks throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Although some species are persistent weeds, others are grown for their dandelion like flowers, borne singly or in simple or compound, many flowered racemes, corymbs, or panicles. They have one or several, mainly branched stems,, and usually produce flattened, basal rosettes of smooth edged to pinnatifid leaves. These species grown as ornamental plants are suitable for a large rock garden.

Grow in any well drained soil in full sun.

Prone to powdery mildew and rust.

C. incana – This rosette forming perennial from Southern and Southeastern Greece grows 12″ tall and wide. It produces inversely lance shaped, pinnatisect, usually densely gray hairy leaves, 1 1/4-5″ long. In late summer it bears bright, clear pink to magenta-pink flowers, 1 1/4″ across, in many flowered corymbs. Needs full sun.

Zones 5-7