Epilobium crassum – Chamaenerion – Willow Herb –


Epilobium – Chamaenerion – Willow Herb –

There are about 200 species of annuals, biennials, herbaceous and semi evergreen perennials (some of which are stoloniferous), and semi evergreen subshrubs, in this genus. They are widely distributed in temperate and cold zones in both hemispheres in waste and distributed ground, stony slopes, river gravels, and subalpine screes and meadows. They are grown for their 4 petalled, deep pink or white flowers, held singly or in leafy racemes, usually over long periods from summer to autumn. The leaves are linear to broadly ovate. Wind borne seed and spreading rhizomes make many species invasive, but those described here are garden worthy. Grow in a rock garden or border.

Grow in humus rich, moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Deadhead for repeat flowering and to prevent seeding. Divide in autumn or spring.

Prone to downy mildew, powdery mildew, rust, snails and slugs, and fungal spots.

E. crassum – This prostrate, creeping perennial from New Zealand grows 4″ tall and 8″ wide. It produces narrowly obovate, finely toothed, slightly fleshy, glossy, mid green leaves, ½- 1 ½” long, pink flushed beneath. In summer it bears solitary, open cup shaped, pink veined white flowers, ½” across. Grow in partial shade.

Zones 6-9