Papaver nadicale ‘Champagne Bubbles’ – Iceland poppy –


Papaver nadicale ‘Champagne Bubbles’


comes in quarts size pots

P. croceum – P. nudicaule of gardens – Arctic Poppy – Iceland Poppy – This erect, tuft forming, hairy perennial, usually grown as a biennial/annual from the subarctic regions of North America and Asia Minor grows 12-24″ tall and 6-8″ wide. It produces oval, pinnatifid to pinnatisect, densely hairy, blue green leaves, 1 1/4-6″ long, with oblong segments. In spring and summer it bears crinkled textured solitary, bowl shaped, occasionally double, fragrant, yellow or white, sometimes orange or pale res flowers, to 3′ across, are borne on short, hairy stalks.

– grows to 18″ tall and has large flowers to 5″ across,
in a range of pastel shades of red, bronze-yellow, apricot-yellow, pink, and

Grow in deep, fertile, well drained soil in full sun, except P. alpinum and its cultivars, which require very sharply drained soil. Self seeds readily. Divide perennials in spring.

zone 2-7