Maurandella antirrhiniflora – Asarina antirrhiniflora – Violet Twining Snapdragon –

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Maurandella –

There is a sole species of a twinning, herbaceous perennial climber in this genus. It occur in dry desert river beds, subject to flooding, in limestone areas of Southwestern USA and Mexico. It has hairless, slender, many branched stems, to 7′ feet long. Throughout summer and autumn it bears tubular flowers held singly. Where not hardy grow as an annual. In warmer areas, use on a pergola, arch, trellis, or wall.

Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun with some midday shade or in light, dapple shade. Provide shelter from cold, drying winds.

M. antirrhiniflora – Asarina antirrhiniflora – Violet Twining Snapdragon – This wiry stemmed climber with ovate-triangular, shallowly lobed, bright to mid green leaves, 1-4″ or more long. Throughout summer and autumn it bears snapdragon like flowers, to 1 3/4″ long, with white tubes and violet or purple, occasionally pink lobes.

Zones 9-13