Notospartium glabrescens –

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Notospartium –

There are about 3 species of broom like, shrubs or trees in this genus. They occur on valley side and river terraces in New Zealand. They are grown for their elegant habit, green, leafless branches, and pendulous racemes of pink to light purple, pea like flowers, borne in mid summer, followed by pea pod like seed capsules that mature to brown. Grow in a shrub border or at the base of a sunny wall.

Grow in moist but well drained gritty soil in full sun, shelter from strong winds. They may require staking.

N. glabrescens – This upright shrub or small tree from New Zealand grows to 10′ feet tall and at least 6′ feet wide.. From pendulous lower branches and slightly flattened, slender, dark blue green shoots it carries pea like pink flowers, to ½” long, flushed and veined purple, are held in open racemes, to 2″ long.

Zones 8-10