Physoplexis comosa – Phyteuma comosum –

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Physoplexis –
There is a sole species of a tuft forming, deciduous perennial in this genus. They occur in rock crevices in the Alps . It produces clusters of unusual, bottle shaped flowers arise from basal tufts of ovate to heart shaped, toothed leaves. Grow in rock crevices, or scree bed.
Grow in gritty, poor to moderately fertile, sharply drained, alkaline soil in full sun, with some midday shade. Protect from winter moisture.
Prone to slugs and snails.

P. comosa – Phyteuma comosum – This tufted, deciduous perennial from Europe grows 3″ tall and 4″ wide. It produces ovate to heart shaped, deeply toothed, mid to dark green leaves, 3/4-2″ long. In late summer it bears terminal clusters of 10-20 bottle shaped, pale violet flowers, to 3/4″ across, with inflated bases and narrow “necks”, and with pointed, deep violet tips.
Zones 5-7