Smyrnium perfoliatum – Perfoliate Alexanders –


Smyrnium –

There are 8 erect, branching biennial or short lived, monocarpic perennials, in this genus. They are found naturally occurring in rocky places, scrub, fields, and at woodland margins in Europe, Africa, and Western Asia. They produce broadly oblong, divided basal leaves and rounded, usually smooth edged, upper leaves. In late spring and early summer, they bear branched, terminal umbels of numerous tiny, greenish yellow flowers. Ideal for naturalizing in a large border or in a wild or woodland garden. They also provide unusual, long lasting cut flowers.

Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun to partial shade.

S. perfoliatum – Perfoliate Alexanders – This upright, biennial from North Czech Republic, Slovakia, Southern Europe, Northern Africa, and Southwestern Asia grows 2-5′ feet tall and 2′ feet wide. From ribbed stems, it carries pinnate or 2 pinnate basal leaves, 2-8″ long, and perfoliate, simple, rounded, bract like, bright yellow-green upper leaves, up to 4″ long, borne on flowering stems. In spring of the second year after germination it bears many, tiny flowers in dome shaped, 7 to 12 rayed umbels, to 4″ across.

Zones 6-10