Dracenea cincta – Dragon Tree – Madagascar dragon tree –


Dracenea cincta

D. draco – Dragon’s-blood Tree – Dragon Tree – This slow growing, multi stemmed, long lived, eventually widely branched tree, resembles an inside-out umbrella in outline when mature. Tufted or rosettes, glaucous, mid to dark green leaves, 12-24″ long and 2″ wide, are stiff linear-lance shaped and spine tipped. Mature plants produce insignificant terminal panicles, to 12″ long, of white-tinged green flowers in summer, followed by large, spherical, orange-red fruit. Very suitable for containers.

Indoors. Grow in soil based potting mix in full light with shade from hot sun and moderate humidity. Green leaves plants tolerate slightly lower light levels. From spring to autumn, water freely, applying a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly, water sparingly in winter.

Zones 10-12