Thelypteris palustris – Marsh Fern –


Thelypteris –

This genus, often considered synonymus in part with Phegopteris,, is made up of 500 species of deciduous, terrestrial ferns in the Thelypteridaceae family.  They naturally occur in swamps and bogs in temperate regions throughout the world.  The lance shaped, pinnate fronds, consisting of deeply lobed pinnate fronds, consisting of deeply lobed pinnate fronds, arise from creeping rhizomes.  Sori, which have no protective indusia, form on the undersides of the fronds.  Suitable for a moist border or for planting at the edge of a pond.  T. palustris may be invasive

Grow in any moist, moderately fertile soil in full sun or partial shade.  Divide in spring or summer

Prone to rust, scale insects and leaf curl.

T. palustris – Marsh Fern – This deciduous fern found in Europe and Asia grows 24″ tall and 36″ wide.  It produces long creeping rhizomes and long stalked, erect, lance shaped, pinnate, pale green sterile fronds, to 16″ long, each consisting of up to 25 pairs of narrowly lance shaped, deeply lobed pinnae.  Fertile frond, 36″ long, which are produced only in good light, have pinnae with narrower lobes.  The abundant sori may produce a brown haze over the colony in late summer.

Zones 5-8