Vriesea fosteriana – Red Chestnut – Bromeliad

SKU: PDE-160249462 Category:


V. fosteriana – Red Chestnut – This epiphytic and terrestrial bromeliad from Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina grows 3-5’ feet tall and 3’ feet wide. It forms a funnel shaped rosette composed of stiff, dense, arching, broadly tongue shaped, yellowish to deep green leaves, to 28” long, they are cross banded with purple or maroon, especially beneath, and have broadly oval, dark brown sheaths, up to 6” long. In summer, produces loose, spike like racemes, 16” or more long, of yellow floral bracts and tubular flowers, 1 ¾” long, with yellow petals and green sepals, all with reddish brown tips. Needs good air circulation.
Zones 13-15