Disa – orchid

SKU: PDE-160249882 Category:


Disa –
There are about 130 species of deciduous, occasionally evergreen terrestrial orchids, in this genus. They occur at low and high altitudes, often by running water, in tropical Africa, and Madagascar. They have tuberous, sometimes stoloniferous roots. The erect stems, with ovate to lance shaped or linear leaves, bear one to many richly colored, red, pink, yellow, white flowers, with hooked upper and spreading lower perianth segments, in terminal racemes or corymbs.
Cool growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in a mix of equal parts peat, pearlite, and copped sphagnum moss, and cover the surface with sphagnum moss. In summer, provide cool, humid, shady condition. Water freely to keep the roots continually moist when in active growth, but avoid wetting the leaves, which are prone to black rot, keep cool and dry in winter. Do not fertilize.
Prone to black rot, and spider mites.