Adenpstoma sparsitolium – Ribbonwood – Redshanks –

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There are 2 species in this genus of evergreen shrubs or small trees.  Native to the dry hills of California and adjacent Mexico’s Baja.  Cultivated for their flowers.  They have crowded leaves that are encrusted with sticky aromatic resin.  As the plant ages the bark starts to peel.  In spring and early autumn large foamy spray of tiny white flowers are projected past the foliage.

Their long-lived shrubs that can with stand light frost.  They prefer hot dry summer in sunny to partial shaded areas that are sheltered from strong winds. Accompanied with moderately fertile well-drained soil.  When establish they are drought tolerable.  Prune to shape and to keep it compact but its natural habit will never make it a neat plant.  Grow as specimen or as a shrub border.

Adenpstoma sparsitolium – Ribbonwood – Redshanks – Native to California and northern Mexico this large shrub or small tree grows 20’ feet tall and 10’ feet wide.  The thick crooked twisted woody branches when first peeled are green-yellow then turn red-brown.  The resinous mid green leaves are ¾” long and almost needle like.  Bears profuse sprays of ¼” white pink tinted or pale pink flowers are borne in late summer in open panicles.

Zones 8-10