Leucanthemopsis alpina subsp. tomentosa – Chrysanthemum alpinum subsp. tomentosa – Alpine Chrysanthemum –

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Leucanthemopsis –

There are about 6 species of dwarf, tufted, clump or mat forming perennials in this genus. They occur in mountain habitats in Europe and Northern Africa. They are grown for their solitary, daisy like, white or yellow flowers, borne in summer. The leaves are pinnatisect, pinnatifid, or palmately lobed. Frequently short lived, they are suitable for a rock garden, scree bed.

Grow in any sharply drained soil in full sun.

L. alpina subsp. tomentosa – Chrysanthemum alpinum subsp. tomentosa – Alpine Chrysanthemum – This mat forming, rhizomatous perennial grows 2″ tall and 8″ wide. It produces ovate to spoon shaped, palmately lobed, silvery gray leaves, to 1 ½” long, that have 5-7 closely aligned lobes. In mid and late summer from short stems it carries flowers to 1 ½” across with white petal sometimes aging to pink and orange-yellow centers. Grows well in a scree bed.

Zones 6-9