Helenium bigelovii – Bigelow Sneezeweed – Sneezeweed – Helen”s Flower –


Helenium – Sneezeweed – Helen’‘s Flower –

There are about 40 species of annuals, biennials, and perennials in this genus. They occur in damp meadows or woodland margins in North and Central America. They are mostly clump forming plants with sturdy, branching stems and alternate, oval to inversely lance shaped, mid green leaves, 6-8″ long. The daisy-like flowers have prominent yellow or brown centers, and petals in yellow, bronze, orange, or red. Heleniums flower over long period and are suitable for a sunny, mixed or herbaceous border. The flowers are useful for cutting and are attractive to bees. All parts may cause serve discomfort if ingested, contact with the foliage may aggravate skin allergies.

Easily grown in any fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun. Provide support for taller species and cultivars. Deadhead to prolong flowering, and divide every 2 or 3 years.

Prone to powdery mildew, rust, leaf smut, and fungal spots.

H. bigelovii – Bigelow Sneezeweed – This clump forming perennial found from California to Oregon grows 2-4′ feet tall and half as wide. From sparsely branched stems it carries lance shaped to inversely lance shaped leaves, 6-10″ long. In summer and fall it bears flowers, 2 ½” across, with brownish yellow centers and yellow petals that reflex as the center emerges.

Zones 7-8