Linanthus grandiflorus – Mountain Phlox –

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Linanthus –

There are about 35 species of annuals and perennial in this genus. They usually occur in sandy and gravelly sites in grassland or scrub in Western USA , Mexico and Chile. They have branched stems which carry alternate or opposite leaves, which are sometimes simple, but usually pinnately or palmately lobed, or fully divided, with linear segments. Bell or funnel shaped, white, blue, lilac, pink or yellow flowers are held singly or in loose cymes or dense heads, from spring to summer. Grow the perennial species in a rock garden the annuals are suitable for an annual border or wild garden.

Grow in any light, well drained soil in full sun.

Prone to rust and leaf spot.

L. grandiflorus – Mountain Phlox – This erect, slender, branching, downy to almost smooth annual from Southern California grows 12-20″ tall and 9″ wide. It produces alternate or opposite, palmately lobed leaves, to 4″ long, with 5-11 linear lobes, to 1 1/4″ long. From spring to summer it bears dense heads of funnel shaped then spreading, lavender-pink, lilac, or white flowers, to 1 1/4″ across, the petals lobed, toothed, and flecked with white. Good for cut flowers.

Hardiness 8-1