Acer Campestre – Maple

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Acer campestre – Field Maple – Hedge Maple – From western Asia, Europe, and North Africa, this slow grower is commonly used in the English country as a hedge. It can withstand heavy pruning but can also be used has a lawn specimen or street tree where power lines are present. Unpruned it forms a spreading dome to 30’ feet wide and can be 25-45 feet tall. Bears corymbs of 5 green flowers, followed by flat, horizontal winged fruit. In autumn the oval to rounded 5-lobed green leaves turn golden yellow. With age the bark becomes thick and wrinkled. Prefers full sun
‘Compactum’ is a dwarf wider then tall, and is multi-stemmed but less hardy.

Grows well in cooler temperature areas with adequate rainfall in fertile soil but well drained in sun or partial shade. For better fall color plant in acidic or neutral soil.

Zone 4-9