Achillea Lanchsschonheit – Achillea ‘Salmon Beauty’ – Yarrow


Achillea – Yarrow – Milfoil – Sneezwort
They’re 85 species in this genus from Europe and Asia with few from North America. Named after Archilles who in Greek mythology used it to heal wounds. These deciduous, evergreen perennials with 2-12” long fern-feather like gray or green foliage, which are aromatic and often covered with fine hairs. Bears masses of daisy like flowers 1/8”-1/2” branching off a single stem growing to an equal length to form a flat top of a head. Normally blooms in late spring to autumn. Great in rock gardens or as a massed border, or even as cut or dried flowers. If brushed up against it may irritate skin allergies.
Most will tolerant a wide range of soils but will thrive in and conditions. Thrives in moist but well drained soil. Hybrids have been cultivated to fit poor drained shaded areas. They spread by sending out shoots above or under ground roots that send up erect shoots that can be cut to create a separate plant.
Prone to aphids, powdery mildew, and rust and other foliar diseases caused by fungi occur.

Achillea Lanchsschonheit – Achillea ‘Salmon Beauty’ – This cross between Achillea millefolium and Achillea ‘Taygatea’ grow 3’ feet by 2’ foot wide. These clumps of feather leaves are dark green. It produces a lot of stems bearing tiny groupings of tiny salmon-pink flowers forming a 5 ½”flat top fading to pink almost white.
Zones 3-9