Argyrocytisus battandieri – Silver Broom – Cytisus battandieri ‘



This genus with its sole species being a large evergreen shrub or small tree is native to the Rif and Atlas mountains of Morocco.  It produces dense foliage, which gets a silvery sheen from dense covering of fine silvery hairs that are somewhat reflective.   In late spring and early summer it bears spikes of bright golden yellow pea-like flowers are followed by flattened hairy pod.

Grow in gritty, well-drained soil in full sun.  Prune regularly to keep it form becoming leggy.

Argyrocytisus battandieri – Silver Broom – Cytisus battandieri – This shrub grows to 12’ feet tall and in breadth.  It produces large silvery palmate foliage, which are persistent throughout the season.  They bear bright yellow pineapple shaped flower have a distinct scent followed by pea pod like seed capsules are covered with fine silvery hair.

Zones 7-10