Barbarea vulgaris ‘Variegata’ – Variegated Winter Cress – St. Barbara’s Herb –


Barbarea – St. Barbara’s Herb –

There are about 12 species of biennials and perennials, in this genus. They occur in damp habitats along stream sides in fertile, slightly acidic to moderately alkaline soils, in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They have basal rosettes of smooth edged or pinnatisect, radical green leaves and clasping stem leaves, and produce terminal racemes of cross shaped, 4 petalled yellow flowers. A few are used as salad plants, and the double flowered and variegated cultivars of B. vulgaris may be grown as ornamental plants at the front of a border. A few have become invasive in some areas.

Grow in any moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Divide perennials in spring.

Prone to flea beetles, white rust, downy mildew, and ramularia leaf spot.

B. vulgaris ‘Variegata’ – Variegated Winter Cress – This rosette forming biennial or short lived perennial grows 10-18″ tall and 8″ wide. It produces 4 to 10 lobed basal leaves and simple stem leaves, both 2-5″ long and mid to deep green, variably splashed yellow. From early spring to early summer it bears cross shaped yellow flowers carried in racemes. Remove flowers unless seed is required.

Zones 4-9