Bupleurum fruticosum – Shrubby Hare’s Ear – Thorow-wax –

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Bupleurum – Thorow-wax –

There are about 100 species of annuals, perennials, and evergreen or semi evergreen shrubs, in this genus.   They are widely distributed on dry, upland scrub, in moist areas and among rocks in the Northern Hemisphere, with some species occurring in South Africa. The variably shaped leaves are alternate, simple, and smooth edged, often with conspicuous parallel veins. It bears rounded compound umbels of star shaped, yellowish or greenish flowers are usually surrounded by involucres of leaf bracts. Grow in a flower or shrub border or for cut flowers and smaller species for a rock garden.

Grow in any light, well drained soil in full sun. Deadhead to avoid self seeding. Divide perennials in spring. Shrubby species are salt resistant. Can be pruned into a hedge.

B. fruticosum – Shrubby Hare’s Ear – This open, spreading but dense, evergreen shrub from Southern Europe grows 3-10′ feet tall and 8′ feet wide. From long, slender, mainly unbranched, erect shoots it carries narrowly obovate, leathery blue green leaves, to 3″ long, with prominent mid ribs and rounded tips. From mid summer to early autumn it bears small, star shaped yellow flowers, carried in domed, terminal umbels, to 1 ½” across, which usually weigh down the branches to almost touching the ground. Suitable for a coastal garden.

Zones 7-11