Calocedrus macrolepis –


Calocedrus –

There are species of evergreen, monoecious conical to columnar coniferous trees, this genus. They occur in warm temperate forest in Western China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Western USA. The branchlets are arranged in 2 flattened rows, the decurrent, scale like leaves overlap and appear 4 ranked, but are arranged in 2 pairs. The male cones are carried single, the female cones are 1″ long, have 6-8 scales, hinged at the bases, of which only the central pairs is fertile, each scale bearing 2 seeds. Timber is used for shingle tiles. Grow as a specimen tree.

Grow in any well drained deep, moderately fertile soil in sun or partial shade.

Prone to rust.

C. macrolepis – This narrow, conical tree from China grows 100′ feet tall and 25′ feet wide. It has slightly larger and flatter, linear leaves than those of C. decurrens, they are ½” long, bright green above, and glaucous beneath. Erect, ellipsoid, purple-tinted orange female cones to ½” long are held on pendent shoots

Zones 5-8