Chaenomeles x s. ‘Cameo’ – Flowering Quince –


C. x superba – This vigorous, rounded shrub is a cross between C. japonica and C. speciosa and grows 5′ feet tall and 6′ feet wide.From spiny, spreading branches it carries narrowly to broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, glossy, mid green leaves, to 2 ½” long.From spring to summer it bears clusters of cup shaped, white, pink, orange-scarlet, or crimson to orange flowers, to 1 3/4″ across, they are followed by green fruit, 2-3″ long, ripening to yellow and are scented.

‘Cameo’ – is thornless with double fleshy pink flowers

Grow in moderately fertile, well drained soil in sun or partial shade.Suitable for a lightly shaded wall, but bloom and fruit best in sun.They tolerate alkalinity, but may become chlorotic on very alkaline soils.Also tolerant of pollution and urban environments.

zones 5-10