Cheilanthes eatoni – Lip Fern –

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Cheilanthes – Lip Fern –

There are about 150 or more, mainly evergreen ferns, in this genus. They are distributes worldwide. They are among the most drought resistant of ferns, often growing between rocks, frequently in deserts or near deserts, the fronds shrivel in periods of drought and recover after rain. They have erect or creeping rhizomes, producing dense clumps of small, pinnate to 3 pinnate, usually dull green fronds on shiny black stalks. The undersides of the leaf blades may be white mealy and covered with minute hairs or scales. Spores are formed at the margins of the frond segments, which curl under to protect them. In dry climates, grow in a scree bed, rock garden, or in a stone wall.

Grow in sharply drained, gritty, humus rich soil in full sun, and allow plants to dehisce naturally.

C. eatoni – This upright, semi evergreen, colonizing fern from South USA, Mexico and Costa Rica on rock slopes and ledges, grows 6-12″ tall. It produces gray-green to whitish green lanceolate 3-4 pinnate oblong fronds whose pinnules are oval to bead like and hairy on both sides. The lower side becomes fawn colored with age. One of the most cold hardy species, depending on the geographic origin of the stock. Thrives in partial sun to light shade, protect from excessive winter wet by tucking under rock ledge or open cover.

Zones 4-8