Codonopsis convolvulacea –

SKU: PDE-160251747 Categories: , , ,


Codonopsis –

There are about 30 species of scandent or twinning, mostly herbaceous perennial, in this genus. They occur in rocky mountain slopes or in alpine scrub from the Himalayas to Japan. They produce simple, opposite or alternate, ovate or oblong to lance shaped, and often unpleasantly scented when crushed. The flowers are usually solitary, terminal or axillary, pendent, and bell or saucer shaped, sometimes intricately marked inside. Grow smaller species in a rock garden, larger species in a herbaceous border or woodland garden, and scandent and twinning species through small shrubs.

Grow in light, fertile, humus rich, moist but well drained soil in sun or partial shade,, with shelter from strong winds to protect the slender, brittle shoots. Most species need support.

Prone to slugs and snails.

 C. convolvulacea – This slender, twining, herbaceous perennial from the Himalayas and Western China reaches 6-8′ feet high. It produces opposite, ovate-lance shaped to lance shaped, mid green leaves, ½-2″ long. In summer it bears solitary, terminal, open bell to saucer shaped, violet blue, occasionally white flowers, 1 1/4-2″ across.

Zones 6-9