Dendranthema weyrichii ‘Pink Bomb’ – Chrysanthemum weyrichii ‘Pink Bomb’

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There are about 20 species of erect perennials, in this genus. They occur in Europe, and Central and Eastern Asia, in very variable habitats, from seashore to mountain tops. They were previously included in and commonly grown as Chrysanthemum, but are now considered distinct. They produces alternate, mostly rounded, aromatic, fleshy, mid to dark green leaves are palmately 5 lobed. It bears bowl shaped white, yellow, pink, or purple flower heads, 1 ½-3″ across, are carried single or in loose corymbs. Grow in a herbaceous or mixed border, a rock garden, or a scree bed. All parts may cause mild stomach upset if ingested, and contact with foliage may aggravate skin allergies.

Grow in fertile, sandy, moist but well drained soil in full sun. Short lived when grown in heavy soil. Divide after flowering in autumn or spring.

D. weyrichii ‘Pink Bomb’ – Chrysanthemum weyrichii ‘Pink Bomb’ – This mounded cushion forming, rhizomatous perennial from Russia grows 10″ tall and 18″ wide. It produces rounded, 5 lobed, fleshy, mid to dark green leaves, 2-4″ long. The smaller stem leaves are lance shaped and usually pinnatifid. In autumn it bears daisy like flower heads, to 2″ across, with pink and yellow centers.

Zones 5-9