Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala ‘Emerald Elf’ – Emerald Elf Amur Maple – Maple


Acer tataricum – Amur Maple – Tatarian Maple – Derives from south Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia and is a fast grower growing to 30’ feet tall and 25’ feet wide with a rounded crown. Broadly oval glossy green 4” inches long, 3 lobed leaves with toothed edges. In autumn the leaves turn red or yellow. Bears panicles of creamy white flowers followed by red winged fruit. Seen in cool climate areas.
Subsp. ginnala – Acer ginnala – From China, Japan, Korea, and eastern Siberia is large shrub or small tree growing 15-30’ feet high and is a fast grower. Often branching from the base. The leaves are pointed and irregular lobed turning red in autumn and drop early. Its fully frost hardy. Red fruit in summer is also a feature.

zone 4-8