Eupatorium ‘Gateway’ – Gateway Joe Pye Weed –


Eupatorium ‘Gateway’

comes in 1 or 2 gallon pots

E. fistulosum – Joe Pye Weed – This compact, upright perennial from Southeastern USA grows 3-10′ feet tall and 2-10′ feet wide. From wine colored stems it carries whorls of lance shaped to ovate-lance shaped leaves, to 12″ long. From mid summer to early autumn it bears dense, terminal, domed corymb like panicles of rosy mauve flowers, 4″ across. Very attractive to butterflies. It enjoys constant moist, humus rich soil and will tolerate periods of wetness. Can be invasive, divide every 2 years.

perennial – Grow in moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade, prune shrubs lightly in spring or after flowering. Divide in early spring or fall.

Zones 3-8