Hellebore – Hellborous x hybridus mixture ‘red’


Hellborous x hybridus mixture ‘red’

evergreen perennial

blooms in early spring

comes in quarts or in 1 gallon pots

H. x hybridus – Is a group of variable, clump forming perennial hybrids of H. orientalis and other species and usually grow 18″ tall and wide. The deciduous or overwintering, pedate, leathery, mid to dark green leaves, to 16″ long, each have 7-11 elliptic to inversely lance shaped, toothed lobes or leaflets. From mid winter to mid spring , thick stems carry loose cymes of up to 4 pendent to outward facing, saucer shaped flowers, 2-3″ across, in a range of colors, including white, purple, yellow, green and pink.

Grow in neutral to alkaline, moist, fertile, humus rich soils in dappled shade to full sun.Avoid dry or waterlogged soils, and provide shelter from strong, cold winds.A top dressing of compost or manure after flowering is beneficial.

zone 6-9