Hottonia inflata – American Featherfoil – Featherfoil – Water Violet –


Hottonia – Featherfoil – Water Violet –

There are 2 species of submerged aquatic perennials, in this genus. They occur in temperate Northern Asia, Europe and Eastern USA found in slow moving water in ditches and in shallow water where silting has occurred. They produces alternate, feathery, pinnate, light green leaves. They have delicate, primrose-like, white to   lilac flowers held on numerous erect stem in terminal racemes. Hottonias are good oxygenators, and are suitable for a small decorative pool or a larger wildlife pool.

Grow in muddy bottom of a shallow pond, in clear, still or slow moving water in any pond or stream that does not freeze solid, in full sun. Hottonias may be difficult to establish, particularly in a recently constructed pool. Winter-resting buds will sink to the bottom of the pond, usually rising again and producing new growth in spring.

Prone to filamentous algae.

H. inflata – American Featherfoil – This submerged perennial from Eastern USA grows 8-24″ tall and 18″ wide. It produces branched, spongy stems carrying whorls of stalkless, pinnate or 2 pinnate, oblong, light green leaves, ½-2″ long, composed of linear leaflets. In spring, held above the water it bears salverform white flowers, to 3/8″ across, in 2 to 10 flowered racemes, 6-8″ tall.

Zones 5-11