Isatis glauca –

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Isatis –

There are about 30 species of annuals, biennials, and perennials, in this genus. They occur on waste ground or rocky sites in dry places in Central and Southern Europe, and in Western and Central Asia. They have oblong to lance shaped, smooth edged or pinnately lobed, stalked basal leaves and smaller, arrow shaped, stalkless stem leaves. Small, 4 petalled, usually yellow flowers are held in loose racemes or panicles, and are attractive to bees. They are ideal for a wild garden.

Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun. Divide in spring.

I. glauca – This upright, clump forming, almost hairless perennial from Turkey and Iran grows 2-4′ feet tall and 18″ wide. It produces glaucous, blue-green leaves, and stalked basal leaves are lance shaped, to 12″ long, the smaller stalkless stem leaves are arrow-shaped, to 5″ long. In early summer it bears abundant 4 petaled yellow flowers, 1/4″ across, in large panicles, 5-12″ across.

Zones 4-8