Koeleria glauca – Glaucous Hair Grass –


Koeleria –

There are about 30 species of annuals and perennial grasses, in this genus.  Found from chalky and sandy grassland in Northern and Southern temperate zones and tropical Africa.  Several species are grown for their ornamental leaves and narrow panicles of silvery green or blue-green spikelets.  They are suitable for a rock garden or the front of a boarder. Either individually or in groups.

Grow in medium to light, not too fertile, well drained soil in full sun or light, dappled shade.  Koelerias thrive in alkaline and shallow, chalky soil.  Cut back flowering stems either before seeding or in autumn.  Divide any where from mid spring to early summer.

Prone to Ergot, choke, rust, smut, leaf spots, and blights occur.

K. glauca – Glaucous Hair Grass – This densely tufted, semi-evergreen, perennial grass found from Western and Central Europe to Russia and it grows at least 16” tall and 12” wide.  It forms a compact mound of narrowly linear, glaucous gray-green leaves, to 8” long, with inrolled edges.  In early and mid summer it bears numerous erect stems bearing cylindrical panicles, to 4” long, of shinning, silver spikelets, which age to buff.

Zones 6-9