Ledebouria –
There are about 16 species of semi evergreen or evergreen, bulbous perennials in this genus. They occur in seasonally dry, open areas or river valleys in South Africa. They are grown for their attractively marked leaves and their late summer racemes of small, bell or urn shaped flowers, reminiscent of Lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria) with up to 150 blooms usually gray or green in color with pink or purple markings. Each bulb produces 1 to 7 narrow leaves 15″ long. The leaves are the main attraction. In warmer area, grow in open sites in a rock or desert garden.
Plant bulb with the necks above soil level, in moderately fertile, well drained soil in full sun.
L. cooperi – Scilla adlamii – S. cooperi -This very variable, semi evergreen, bulbous perennial from South Africa grows 2-4″ tall. It produces semi erect, ovate to ovate-oblong or linear, mid to dark green, basal leaves, 2-10″ long, with bold brownish purple stripes. In summer it bears racemes of up to 50 bell shaped, purple-pink flowers, 1/4″ long or less, tipped or striped green.
Zones 9-10