Osmanthus decorus – Phillyrea decora – x Osmarea – Siphonosmanthus –


Osmanthus – x Osmarea – Siphonosmanthus –

There are about 30 species of slow growing, evergreen shrubs and small trees in this genus.  They occur in woodland in Asia, Pacific Islands, and Southern USA.  They are grown for their foliage and flowers.  The leaves are lance shaped to ovate and thick, rigid leaves which may be edged with stout, even hooked, spiny teeth, held in opposite pairs.  The small, tubular, 4 lobed, usually fragrant, white, occasionally yellow or orange flowers are held mainly aaxillary cluster or terminal panicles.  The flowers are usually followed by ovoid, blue-black fruits.  Osmanthus species and cultivars are ideal for a shrub border or woodland garden, O. delavayu may be wall trained.  O. x burkwoodi, O. delavayi, and O. heterophyllus are very good for hedging and topiary.

Grow in moderately fertile, will drained, neutral to acid soil in sun or partial shade, whit shelter from winter sun and wind.

Prone to black mildew, anthranose, olive knot, Verticillium wilt, root rot, and scale insects.

O. decorus – Phillyrea decora – This dense, rounded, spreading shrub from the Republic of Georgia, Northeastern Turkey, and Western Asia grows 10′ feet tall and 15′ feet wide. It produces narrowly oval to oblong, pointed, leathery, glossy, dark green leave to 5″ long, very rarely with a few teeth, and are paler beneath. In mid spring it bears tubular, fragrant, pure white flowers, the lobes to 3/8″ across are held in dense, axillary clusters.  Flowers are followed by ellipsoid, purplish black fruit, to ½” long.

Zones 6-9