Paris polyphylla – Daiswa polyphylla – Daiswa –

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Paris – Daiswa –
There are about 20 vigorous, herbaceous and rhizomatous perennial in this genus. They occur in woodlands from Europe to the Caucasus, and form the Himalayas to Eastern Asia. From erect stems each carry a whorl of 4 or more very variable 1-4″. Lance shaped to oval, mid or dark green leaves, just below a solitary, terminal, wheel shaped, spider like, or star shaped 4 to 6 petaled flowers, with protruding stamens. The flowers are followed by fleshy, capsular fruits with shiny, black or red seeds, these may cause mild stomach upset if ingested. Suitable for a woodland, wild garden, or shady rock garden.
Grow in moist, fertile, leafy soil in full or partial shade. Divide after leaves have died down every 3 or 4 years.
Prone to slugs.

P. polyphylla – Daiswa polyphylla – This slowly spreading perennial found form the Himalayas to Myanmar and Thailand grows 24-36″ tall and 12″ wide. From short rhizome it sprouts erect, smooth stems, each becoming a whorl of 6-12 oblong to inversely lance shaped, mid green leaves, 3-7″ long, rounded at the bases. Throughout summer, bears solitary, spider like flowers each consisting of 4-8 narrow green outer tepals, 1-4″ long, and thread like, yellowish green inner tepals, to 4″ long, with numerous stamens. Angled, almost spherical green capsules, to 3/4″ across, split to reveal shiny red seeds when ripe.
Zones 5-8