Patrinia triloba –


Patrinia –
There are about 15 clump forming herbaceous perennials in this genus. They are found in grassy mountain habitats in Siberia and Japan. They are grown for their long stemeed, sometimes corymb like panicles of small, 5 lobed, cup shaped yellow or white flowers, produced in summer and autumn. The leaves are mainly basal, ovate to rounded, lobed, palmate or pinnate, rarely smooth edged, and mid to dark green. Grow in a woodland garden or rock garden, in a mixed or herbaceous border, or as a ground cover.
Grow in fertile, humus rich, moist soil in partial or deep shade.
Prone to slugs and snails.

P. triloba – This clump forming, stoloniferous perennial from Japan grows 8-20″ tall and 6-12″ wide. It produces palmately 3 to 5 lobed, mid green leaves, 2 ½-4″ across, turning yellow in autumn. In mid and late summer, branching, red tinted stems produces panicles, to 4″ across, of small, fragrant, cup shaped yellow flowers, each with a short tube and 5 spreading lobes.
Zones 5-8