Pinus flexilis ‘Vanderwolf’s Pyramid’ – Limber Pine – Pine –

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Pinus flexilis – Limber Pine – This broadly conical tree, later becoming domed at the top from the Rocky Mountains from Alberta to Arizona grows 40-70′ feet tall and 20-30′ feet wide.It has smooth gray bark, becoming fissured later, very pliant, hairy green shoots have broadly cylindrical to ovoid buds.It produces dark green leaves, 1 ½-3 ½” long, are borne in tight bundles of 5, and persist for 5 or 6 years.It bears long ovoid, yellow-brown female cones, 3-6″ long, with wingless seeds.Male cones are red.

Vanderwolf’s Pyramid’ – is upright in habit growing 20-25′ feet tall and 10-20′ feet wide and produces blue green leaves.

Grow these easily grown plants in
any well drained soil in full sun, but may need a symbiotic soil fungus to
assist nutrient uptake on poorer soils.

Zones 3-7