Plantago nivalis – Plantain –


Plantago – Plantain

There are about 200 species of mostly rosette forming annuals, biennials, evergreen perennial and shrubs in this genus, many of which are invasive and considered weeds. They occur from very variable habitats worldwide. Grown mainly for their attractive basal rosettes of oval to a broad spatula shape which develop purple tints in cold or sun. They also bear tiny, tubualr flowers with 4 small petal lobes, in long stemmed, spherical to oblong spikes, in summer. Grow larger species in a herbaceous border, and smaller, alpine species in a rock garden.

Grow in preferably neutral to acidic, moderately fertile, sharply drained soil in full sun or part shade, Protect from winter moisture. Divide in spring.

Prone to aphids, spider mites, rust, downy mildew, leaf spots, and spt anthracnose.

P. nivalis – This compact perennial from the mountains of Spain grows 1″ tall and 3″ wide. It produces neat rosette of lance shaped, very silky hairy, silver green leaves, to ½” long. In summer, leafless stems, 4′ long, bear spikes, to ½” across, of tiny, tubular, gray brown flowers.

Zones 6-7